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What to Expect from an Oral Cancer Screening
An oral cancer screening, performed by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon, can detect cancerous and precancerous tissues early on, when treatment is typically easier.
Everyone can benefit from a professional screening, but regular checks are particularly essential for heavy drinkers, tobacco users and people who spend a great deal of time out in the sun. Those factors, along with a
Facial Surgeon Advice to Minimize Scarring
Choosing a well-qualified, highly experienced facial surgeon is the best way to ensure minimal scarring from any procedure. When a surgeon has comprehensive training and skill in advanced surgical techniques, noticeable scars are much less likely.
At the same time, you can take steps during the recovery process to minimize scarring. Ask your facial surgeon for advice or contact the team a
Wisdom Teeth Removal & the Risk of Dry Socket
For most people, wisdom teeth removal recovery is smooth and problem-free. However, tooth extraction comes with some risks, and one of the most common is dry socket, or alveolar osteitis.
Dry socket
causes aching or throbbing pain in the gums and jaw, and the pain can radiate
throughout the head and neck. Typically, the condition appears within three to
five days after wisdom teeth removal.
What Can You Eat After Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery?
After oral and maxillofacial surgery, you’ll need to adhere to a liquid and soft-food diet — avoiding anything chewy, hard or crunchy — for at least the first few days. If your procedure is complex, the time may stretch to a few weeks.
So what can you eat and drink when you’re recovering from oral and maxillofacial surgery? Your options are limited, but th
How Do You Take Care of Dental Implants?
Every year, millions of dental implants are placed, and the vast majority — more than 95 percent — are successful. And when an experienced oral surgeon performs the procedure versus a general dentist, the chance of success rises to 98 percent.
If you want your implanted teeth to last a lifetime, however, sticking to a solid oral hygiene routine is essential. Fortunately, taking care of